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Responsable(s) Jean-Marc Lina

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Documentation obligatoire

GILAT, A., SUBRAMANIAM, V., Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists: An Introduction with Applications using Matlab 3rd edition, Wiley, 2013 (ISBN 978-1118554937) 

Ouvrages de références

MATLAB Student Version Release 13, The MathWorks (ISBN 0-9672195-9-0)

BURDEN, R.L., FAIRES, J.D., Numerical Analysis, 5th Ed., PWS Publishing Co., Boston, 1993 (ISBN 0-534-93219-3)

HOFFMAN, J.D., Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1992 (ISBN 0-07-029213-2)

PRESS, W.H., FLANNERY, B.P., TEUKOLSKY, S.A., VETTERLING, W.T., Nunerical Recipes the Arts of Scientific Computing, Cambridge University Press, New York, 1986 (ISBN 0-521-30811-9)

KUMAR, V., GRAMA, A., GUPTA, A., KARYPIS, G., Introduction to Parallel Computing Design and Analysis of Algorithms, The Benjamin/Cummins Publishing Co. Inc., U.S.A., 1994 (ISBN 0-8053-3171-0)

KREYSZIG, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 7th Ed., John-Wiley and Sons, New York, 1993.

COURANT, R., HILBERT, D., Methods of Mathematical Physics, John-Wiley and Sons, New York, 1989

CHURCHILL, R.V., Complex Variables and Application, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1990

HABERMAN, R., Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1987

PINSKY, M.A., Partial Differential Equations and Boundary-Value Problems with Applications, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.

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Le site web du cours est sur la plateforme moodle: https://ena.etsmtl.ca/