Très utiles
ROQUES, Pascal, UML 2 par la pratique.
LARMAN, Craig, Applying UML and Patterns.
COAD, Peter, LEFEBVRE, Éric, DeLUCA, Jeff, Java Modeling in Color with UML.
ABRAN, A. and MOORE, J. (Ex. Eds), BOURQUE, P. &DUPUIS, R. (Eds), Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge – Trial
Version (Version 1.0).
WHITE, Stephen A. and MIERS, Derek, BPMN Modeling and Reference Guide Understanding and Using BPMN.
APRIL, A. et ABRAN, A. Améliorer la maintenance du logiciel. Loze-Dion éditeur, ISBN 292118088X, 2006, 337 p.
Cockburn, A., Writing Effective Use Cases. Addison-Wesley.
Kruchten, P., An Introduction to RUP. 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley.
Fowler, M., UML Distilled. 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley
Kleppe, A., MDA Explained. Addison-Wesley.
Royce, w., Software Project Management: A Unified Framework, Addison-Wesley