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Responsable(s) Hanan Smidi

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Livre obligatoire

PARK, C. S, (adaptation française par Soucy, Yargeau et Grenon), Analyse économique en ingénierie, une approche contemporaine, Éditions du Renouveau Pédagogique Inc. 2009 (AEI).

Ouvrages de références

Gestion  de projets

GENEST B.-A. et NGUYEN T.H., Principes et etchniques de la gestion de projet, Éditions Sigma Delta, 2010

LARSON. E.W., and GRAY C.F., Management de projet, Chenelière Éducation,   2014

WYSOCKI R.K., Executive’s Guide to Project Management, Wiley, 2001

KERZNER, H., Project Management, A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 10th edition, Wiley, 2009

Guide du corpus des connaissances en gestion de projet (Guide PMBOK), 5eme édition, Project Management Institute, 2014

Managing Projects Large and Small, Harvard Business Essentials, Harvard Buisness School Publishing, 2004


Analyse de rentabilité de projets

BLACK–NEMBHARD, H. and  AKTAN, M., Real Options in Engineering Design, Operations and Management, CRC Press, 2010.

BLANK, L. T., TARQUIN, A. J. and IVERSON, S. Engineering Economy, Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill Ryerson, 2008.

CANADA, J. R., SULLIVAN, W. G., KULONDA, D. J., and  WHITE, J. A., Capital investment analysis for engineering and management, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.

COPELAND, T. E. and  ANTIKAROV, V., Real Options, Cengage, 2003.

DEROME, R., Économique de l’ingénieur, 2e édition, Presses internationales Polytechnique, 1997

HARTMAN, J.C., Engineering Economy and the Decision-Making Process, Prentice-Hall, 2006

NEWMAN D., WHITTACKER J., ESCHENBACH, T., and LAVELLE J., Engineering Economic Analysis, 2nd Canadian Edition, Oxford Press, 2009

PARK, C. S., Contemporary Engineering Economics, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.

PARK C.S., Fundamentals of Engineering Economics, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, à paraître en février 2012.

PETERSON W. R. and ESCHENBACH, T., Cases in Engineering Economy, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, 2009.

SEPULVEDA, J. A., SOUDER, W. E., and GOTTFRIED B.S., Engineering Economics, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, 1984

SULLIVAN, W. G., WICKS, E. M., and KOELLING C .P., Engineering Economy, 15th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.

WHITE, J. A., CASE K. E., and PRATT D. B., Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, 6th Edition, Wiley, 2012.


Références générales en Finance

BREALY, R., MYERS, S., ALLEN F., Principles of Corporate Finance, 10th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010.

COPELAND, T.E., WESTON, F.S., SHASTRI, K., Financial Theory and Corporate Policy, 4th Edition, Addisson-Wesley, 2004.

COPELAND, T.E., KOLLER, T., MURRIN, J., Valuation, 5th Edition, Wiley, 2010.

MARRISSON, C., The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement, McGraw-Hill, 2002

SHARPE, W. E., ALEXANDER, G. J., and BAILEY, J. V., Investments, 6th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 1998.


Histoire de la théorie de la Finance

BERNSTEIN, P. L., Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street, Free Press, 1992

BERNSTEIN, P. L., Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk, Free Press, 2005

SPIRZO G.G., Pricing the Future: Finance, Physics, and the 300-year Journey to the Black-Scholes Equation, Basic Books, 2011.



ALLAIRE Y. et FIRSIROTU M., Plaidoyer pour un nouveau capitalisme, Institut sur la gouvernance des organismes privés et publics, 2011. 

FERGUSON, C., Inside Job, Sony Pictures Classics, 2011 (Un documentaire sur la crise financière de 2008 en DVD/Blu-Ray.)

LEWIS M. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, Norton, 2011.

SCHIFF P. D., How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes, Wiley, 2011

ROTHBARD, M. N., The Mystery of Banking, Mises Institute, 2008. http://mises.org/books/mysteryofbanking.pdf


Finances personnelles

MALKIEL, B. G., A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Revised 10th Edition, Norton, 2011.

SCHIFF P. D., Crash Proof 2.0, Wiley 2009