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Responsable(s) Guy Gauthier

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Documentation obligatoire

Documents disponibles sur le site Moodle du cours.

Ouvrages de références

  • Bequette, B. W. (2002). Process Control: Modeling Design and Simulation, Prentice Hall.
  • Bequette, B. W. (1998). Process Dynamics - Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Prentice Hall.
  • Ogata, K. (1997). Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall.
  • Bélanger, P. R. (1995). Control Engineering - A Modern Approach, Saunders College Publishing.
  • Ogunnaike, B. A. et W. H. Ray (1994). Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control, Oxford.
  • Slotint, J. J. et Li, W. (1990) Applied nonlinear control, Pearson.
  • Stephanopoulos, G. (1984). Chemical Process Control - An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall.