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Responsable(s) Michèle St-Jacques, Saad Bennis

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    Notes de cours du professeur.



Ouvrages de références

EPA, Office of Research and Development, « State of Technology for Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems », Washington, DC. July 2010. EPA/600/R-10/078.


EPA, Office of Research and Development, « State of Technology for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems », Washington, DC. March 2013. EPA/600/R-13/036.


EPA, Office of Research and Development, « Condition Assessment Technologies for Water Transmission and Distribution Systems », Washington, DC. March 2012. EPA/600/R-12/017.


EPA, Office of Research and Development, « Field Demonstration of Innovative »Condition Assessment Technologies for Water Mains : Leak Detection and Location », Washington, DC. March 2012. EPA/600/R-12/018.


Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual, 4th edition, Volume I Rehabilitation Planning, WRc plc, 2001, United Kingdom.


Sewerage Rehabilitation Manual, 4th edition, Volume II Sewer Renovation, WRc plc, 2001, United Kingdom.


Planning the Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems, WRc plc, 1989, United Kingdom.


Les Classeurs du CERIU - Infrastructures souterraines, 2002, Montréal.


INFRAGUIDE - Meilleures pratiques - http://www.fcm.ca/accueil/programmes/programmes-antérieurs/infraguide/ressources-du-programme.htm

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