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Responsable(s) Sylvie Ratté

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Documentation obligatoire

Il n'y a pas de références obligatoires. Cependant, les étudiants sont tenus de consulter le site Moodle du cours pour y récupérer les lectures obligatoires.


Ouvrages de références

AGGARWAL, Charu C., ZHAI, ChengXaing (eds) Mining Text Data. Springer, 2012.

AGGARWAL, Charu, C., REDDY, Chandan K. (eds) Data Clustering - Algorithms and Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2014.

BERRY, Michael W. (ed.) Survey of Text Mining – Clustering, Classification, and Retrieval. Springer, 2004.

FELDMAN, Ronen & SANGER, James, The Text Mining Handbook – Advances Approaches in Analyzing Unstructured Data. Cambridge University Press, 2007.

HALLIMAN, Charles, Business Intelligence Using Smart Techniques. Information Uncover, 2006.

HAN, Jiawei & KAMBER, Micheline, Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kauffmann, 2nd Edition, 2006.

KAO, Anne & POTEET, Stephen R. (eds.), Natural Language Processing and Text Mining. Springer, 2007.

MANNING, Christopher, RAGHAVAN, Prabhakar & SCHÜTZE, Hinrich, Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

MANNING, Christopher, SCHÜTZE, Hinrich, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MIT Press, 1999.

MILLER, Thomas, W., Data and Text Mining – A Business Applications Approach. Prentice-Hall, 2005.

WEISS, Sholom M., INDURKHYA, Nitin, ZHANG, Tong & DAMERAU, Fred J., Text Mining – Predictive Methods for Analyzing Unstructured Information. Springer, 2005.

WITTEN, Ian H. & FRANK, Eibe, Data Mining – Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques. Morgan Kauffmann, 2nd Edition, 2005.

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