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Responsable(s) Lyne Woodward

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Notes de cours : Asservissement linéaire, 2017, G. Bogdadi

Ouvrages de références

CODRON, P., LE BALLOIS, S., Automatique : systèmes linéaires et continus, Dunod, 1998

DORF, R.C., BISHOP, R.H., Modern Control Systems, Prentice Hall, 2008

FRANKLIN, G. et al., Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Prentice Hall, 2006

KUO, B.C., Automatic Control Systems, Wiley, 2010

OGATA, K., Modern Control Engineering, Pearson, 2010

SEBORG, D. E. et al., Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley, 2004

NISE,N., Control Systems Engineering, Wiley, 2004