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Responsable(s) Annie Poulin

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Leconte, R. Minville, M. et Poulin, A.. CTN762 Ressources hydriques. Notes de cours.



Bedient, P.B., Huber, W.C. & Vieux, B.E. Hydrology and floodplain analysis. 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.

Ouvrages de références

Anctil, F., Rousselle, J. & Lauzon, N., Hydrologie: cheminements de l’eau. 2ième édition,  Presses internationales polytechniques, 2012.

Ashton, G.D., River and Lake Ice Engineering. Water Ressources Publications, LLC, 1986.

Chadwick A., Morfett, J., Hydraulics in civil and environmental engineering. 3rd edition, E & FN SPON, 1998.

Clarke, R.T., Statistical modelling in hydrology. John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1994.

Hoggan, D.H. Floodplain Hydrology and Hydraulics. 2ième édition, McGraw-Hill, 1997

Haestad Methods. Computer-assisted floodplain modeling using HEC-RAS. 1st edition, Haestad Press, 2003.

Karamouz, M., Szidarovszky, F. et Zahraie, B. Water resources systems analysis. Lewis Publishers, 2003

Maidment, D., & Chow, V.T., Handbook of hydrology. McGraw,-Hill,1993.

McCuen, R., Modeling hydrologic change. Statistical methods. Lewis Publishers, 2003.

McCuen, R.H. Hydrologic Analysis and Design. 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2004.

Meylan, P., Favre, A.-C. et Musy, A., Hydrologie fréquentielle : une science prédictive. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 2008.

Singh, V.P., Frevert, D., Mathematical models of large watershed hydrology. Water Resources Publications, LLC, 2002.

U.S.D.A., National Engineering Handbook, Part 630 Hydrology. United States Department of Agriculture,1997.

Viessman, W. Jr., Lewis, G.L. Introduction to hydrology. 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.

Watson, I., Burnet, A.D. Hydrology. An environmental approach. Lewis Publishers, 1995.

Watt, W.E., Hydrologie des crues au Canada: Guide de planification et de conception. Conseil national de recherches du Canada, 1990.

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