Tout travail (devoir pratique, rapport de laboratoire, rapport de projet, etc.) remis en retard sans motif valable, c’est-à-dire autre que ceux mentionnés dans le Règlement des études (1er cycle, article 7.2.5/ cycles supérieurs, article 6.5.2) se verra attribuer la note zéro, à moins que d’autres dispositions ne soient communiquées par écrit par l’enseignante ou l’enseignant dans les consignes de chaque travail à remettre ou dans le plan de cours pour l’ensemble des travaux.
Dispositions additionnelles
Late Submission Policy
Assignments submitted after the deadline without a valid reason, as outlined in articles of the RÉPC or 6.5.2 of the RÉCS, will receive a grade of zero, unless other dispositions are communicated in writing by the teacher as part of the instructions for the assignment or in the course syllabus for all assignments.
Missing an Exam
To justify a missed exam and request a resit or makeup exam, students must use the form (demande d'examen de compensation) available on the MonÉTS portal for a final exam or for any other exam during the session that is supervised and worth 15% or more of the final grade. If the missed exam is worth less than 15% of the final grade, students must submit their request in writing to their teacher.
Any request for a resit or makeup exam must be submitted in the five (5) working days following the missed exam, except in the case of an absence justified by participation in a student club activity, in which case the request must be submitted in the five (5) business days before the club leaves ÉTS to travel to the activity.
Any absence not justified by a valid reason (as outlined in articles of the RÉPC or 6.5.2 of the RÉCS) will result in a grade of zero (0).
Academic infractions and plagiarism
All the clauses of the Règlement sur les infractions de nature académique apply in this course as in all the department's courses. Students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and all other academic offenses under the Règlement sur les infractions de nature académique. Respect for intellectual property is an essential value at ÉTS and all members of the student community are invited to read the following page to learn more: CIte, don't plagiarize.
Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems
Use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems in assignments, exams and other evaluated activities is an academic infraction, except if their use is explicitly authorized by the course teacher.