Tout travail (devoir pratique, rapport de laboratoire, rapport de projet, etc.) remis en retard sans motif valable, c’est-à-dire autre que ceux mentionnés dans le Règlement des études (1er cycle, article 7.2.5/ cycles supérieurs, article 6.5.2) se verra attribuer la note zéro, à moins que d’autres dispositions ne soient communiquées par écrit par l’enseignante ou l’enseignant dans les consignes de chaque travail à remettre ou dans le plan de cours pour l’ensemble des travaux.
Dispositions additionnelles
Late Submission Policy
Assignments submitted past the deadline will not be accepted and will be counted as FAILED (F). Only extenuating circumstances, supported by proper documentation, will be considered.
Missing an Exam
Documentation of an illness and/or special circumstances is required within 5 weekdays of the missed exam.
It must be submitted to the Secretariat des Enseignements généraux’s coordinator of the departmental Affairs who will then send it to the director for final approval.
If the required documentation for an illness and/or special circumstances is not received within the indicated time frame above and no ancillary circumstances exists, the student will receive a final grade of 0% (F).
Plagiarism and Fraud
All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and all other academic offenses under the Règlement sur les infractions de nature académique
Terms that apply in this workshop.
Intellectual integrity is a paramount value of ethics at ÉTS. To learn more, use the following link.