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Responsable(s) Mickaël Gardoni

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Ouvrages de références

  • PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition (2017)

autre références

  • GRAY, C.F. et E.W. LARSON (2007). Adaptation française : Y. Langevin, Management de projet, Chenelière McGraw-Hill, Montréal.GIDO, J. et J.P. CLEMENTS (2006). Successful Project Management

  • KERZNER, H. (2006). Project Management: A System Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 9e éd., John Wiley and Sons.

  • MEREDITH, J.R. et S.J. MANTEL Jr (2006). Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 6e éd., John Wiley and Sons.

  • PINTO, J.K. (2007). Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, Pearson Education.